Longitudinal dispersion in wave-current-vegetation flow

Sandeep Patil1, Xian gui Li2, Chi wai Li1, Barry Y. F. Tam1, Cynthia Y. Song1, Yong P. Chen1, Qing he Zhang3

1 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

2 Beijing IS & T University, China

3 Tianjin University, China


The flow, turbulence and longitudinal dispersion in wave-current flow through submerged vegetation are experimentally examined. Laboratory experiments are carried out by superimposing progressive waves on a steady flow through simulated submerged vegetation. The resultant wave-current-vegetation interaction shows strong interfacial shear with increase in velocity due to wave-induced drift. The increase in turbulence in vegetation region is found to be about twice than in no wave case due to the additional mixing by wave motions. Solute experiments are conducted to quantify wave-current-vegetation longitudinal dispersion coefficient (WCVLDC) by routing method and by defining length and velocity scales for wave-current-vegetation flow, an empirical expression for WCVLDC has been proposed. Although increase in vertical diffusivity is observed compare to bare-bed channel, the shear effect is stronger which increases the magnitude of WCVLDC. The study can be a guideline to understand the combine hydrodynamics of wave, current and vegetation and to quantify the longitudinal dispersion therein.

Для цитирования

Patil S., Li X., Li C., Tam B.Y.F., Song C.Y., Chen Y.P., Zhang Q. Longitudinal dispersion in wave-current-vegetation flow // Морской гидрофизический журнал. 2009. № 1. С. 50-67. EDN VOAIXN.

Patil, S., Li, X., Li, C., Tam, B.Y.F., Song, C.Y., Chen, Y.P. and Zhang, Q., 2009. Longitudinal dispersion in wave-current-vegetation flow. Physical Oceanography, 19(1), pp. 45–61. doi:10.1007/s11110-009-9036-8

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