Beach Topography and Morphodynamics along the Southern Coastal Tamil of India by Using Beach Profile Analysis

P.S. Mujabar1, ✉, N. Chandrasekar2

1 National College of Engineering, Maruthakulam, Tirunelveli, India

2 Center for Geo-Technology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, India



Beaches are highly dynamic in nature. Several tons of sediment are redistributing each day due to the action of waves, winds and currents. The profiles of beaches, cliffs and other coastal landforms are often studied and analyzed in the coastal areas. The most common method for measuring beach topographic change is the beach profile. This manuscript deals with the topographical and morphological analysis of beaches along the southern coastal Tamil Nadu of India by using beach profile surveys. The beaches are surveyed by using a surveyor’s level. The obtained data from the surveys are processed by using sophisticated software tools such as “Beach Morphology Analysis Package” (BMAP), an integrated set of computer analysis routines compiled by Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. The temporal and spatial representations of beach profiles have been delivered and the morphological parameters such as beach width and slope have been analyzed.

The volumetric analysis of beach sediments and their annual and seasonal variations have been performed. Both cyclic (seasonal) and annual changes in the beach topography have been observed. The morphodynamic and volumetric analysis of beach profiles indicates that the beaches of Kanyakumari, Navaladi, and Ovari have experienced more annual loss of sediments and they poses severe beach erosion. The beaches of Tuticorin-south, Periathalai, Kayalpattinam and Tiruchendur have experienced more accretion. The dynamic changes in the beach topography may also interact and modify the other coastal landforms. The wave climate along the coast has also influenced the sediment dynamics of beaches. The present study implies that proper beach filling and nourishment projects should be made along the study area to save it from coastal erosion.

Ключевые слова

geomorphology, coastal erosion, sediment transport, shoreline change

Для цитирования

Mujabar P.S., Chandrasekar N. Beach Topography and Morphodynamics along the Southern Coastal Tamil of India by Using Beach Profile Analysis // Морской гидрофизический журнал. 2013. № 3. С. 35-62. EDN TGFPXV.

Mujabar, P.S. and Chandrasekar, N., 2013. Beach Topography and Morphodynamics along the Southern Coastal Tamil of India by Using Beach Profile Analysis. Morskoy Gidrofizicheskiy Zhurnal, (3), pp. 35-62.

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