Impact of tropical cyclones on a baroclinic jet in the ocean

G. Sutyrin, I. Ginis

Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI USA


The initial evolution of a baroclinic jet under influence of a barotropic flow induced by the tropical cyclones is considered using a two-layer model and the thin-jet approximation. In spite of antisymmetric structure of the barotropic flow, the jet meander growth due to the barotropic flow advection is shown to favor an anticyclonic meander to the right of the storm track. This enhancement of the anticyclonic meander is found to be related to the dispersion properties of frontal waves along the jet described by the thin-jet theory and coupling with deep eddies developing in the lower layer during the jet meandering.

Ключевые слова

baroclinic jet, tropical cyclone, anticyclonic meander, thin-jet theory

Для цитирования

Sutyrin G., Ginis I. Impact of tropical cyclones on a baroclinic jet in the ocean // Морской гидрофизический журнал. 2013. № 5. С. 44-50. EDN TGGUNZ.

Sutyrin, G. and Ginis, I., 2013. Impact of tropical cyclones on a baroclinic jet in the ocean. Morskoy Gidrofizicheskiy Zhurnal, (5), pp. 44-50.

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